
100 tahun.. dan kita?

Izinkan saya membawa anda semua kembali ke sekitar 100 tahun yang lalu.

boikot-nestle-sahabat-israelNestle memulakan dinastinya di Malaysia seawal tahun 1912 di Pulau Pinang yang dikenali sebagai Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Ini bermakna 97 tahun, iaitu hampir 100 tahun Nestle berada di Malaysia. Saya yakin anda yang sedang membaca artikel ini belum dilahirkan lagi ketika itu, dan kemungkinan juga tidak ada upaya untuk hidup sehingga 100 tahun.

Nestle telah meletakkan batu asas empayarnya di sini jauh sebelum perkataan Malaysia itu dapat dieja.

Ini juga bermakna produk Nestle telah pun disuapkan ke mulut rakyat Islam Malaysia sejak zaman nenek moyang kita lagi. Ia masih lagi disuapkan ke mulut kita yang masih hidup pada hari ini, mungkin juga ke mulut anak-anak kita yang akan menjadi generasi baru pada masa hadapan.

Malangnya setiap suapan itu akhirnya diterjemahkan oleh Nestle sebagai peluru yang digunakan untuk menembak dada saudara kita di Palestin. Dan ini berlaku hampir setiap hari di Palestin, sedang kita begitu enak dan santai sekali menikmati Nescafe untuk minuman pagi dan Milo pada malamnya.

Ada pula yang menikmati minuman Neslo, iaitu gabungan Nescafe dan Milo dalam satu gelas dimana kedua-duanya juga adalah produk Nestle. Gandingan dua produk ini barangkali memberi kepuasan berganda-ganda kepada peminumnya, dimana setiap tegukan itu serentak dengan bedilan berganda-ganda juga ke atas bumi Palestin oleh Yahudi Laknatullah.

Milo dan Nescafe Menjadi Darah Daging Umat Islam Malaysia ?

Bukan satu rahsia bahawa rakyat Malaysia adalah pengguna terbesar minuman Milo di dunia. Fakta ini dijelaskan apabila Nestle menerima anugerah Pingat Emas untuk Malaysia-Canada Business Excellence Award pada 2006. Dinyatakan pada laman web itu:

Malaysia consumes 90% of worldwide consumption of Milo. It is so popular that almost all households have a tin of Milo and it would be almost impossible to find a restaurant that doesn't sell Milo beverages.

Saya terjemahkan di sini:

Malaysia menggunakan 90% daripada penggunaan Milo di seluruh dunia. Ianya amat popular sehingga hampir setiap rumah mempunyai satu tin Milo dan hampir mustahil untuk mencari restoran yang tidak menghidangkan minuman Milo.

Pingat Emas untuk Nestle, fakta memalukan rakyat Malaysia
Bukankah gila atau lahapnya umat Islam di Malaysia ini sehinggakan sebesar-besar dunia ini, 90% penggunaan Milo itu datang dari rakyat Malaysia semata-mata?

Fakta ini juga pernah dimasukkan dalam Wikipedia berkenaan Milo, tetapi jika anda pergi ke pautan itu kelihatannya fakta tersebut telah dihapuskan. Pautan rujukan ke Anugerah MCBC juga telah dihapuskan dari Wikipedia itu. Saya tidak tahu mengapa dan bila ia dihapuskan dari Wikipedia, tetapi mujurlah saya sempat untuk mengambil screenshot semasa ianya masih ada.

Fakta yang hilang?
Jika anda bandingkan dengan Wikipedia yang terkini, ayat yang menyatakan Malaysia menggunakan 90% Milo itu sudah dihapuskan, atas sebab-sebab yang saya sendiri pun tidak tahu.

Saya tidak fikir jika ada pihak Wikipedia yang menganggap fakta itu salah, memandangkan ianya diakui oleh Pengarah Urusan Nestle Malaysia, Sullivan O'Carrol dalam akhbar TheStar Online baru-baru ini:

O'Carrol said Milo has been available in the country for almost 60 years and Malaysians were the world's largest consumers of Milo.

Saya terjemahkan di sini:

O'Carrol berkata Milo telah berada di negara ini hampir 60 tahun dan rakyat Malaysia merupakan pengguna Milo terbesar di dunia.

Sullivan akui rakyat Malaysia paling lahap meminum Milo. Sumber>>
Adakah kita berbangga dengan kenyataan ini? Kita, rakyat Malaysia, yang beragama Islam terutamanya, begitu berjasa kepada Nestle melalui penggunaan Nescafe dan Milo selama ini.

Produk Nescafe dan Milo ini menyumbangkan keuntungan kepada Nestle sebanyak 63% di Malaysia berbanding produk Nestle yang lain. Dan keuntungan ini digunakan oleh Nestle untuk membantu Israel melenyapkan bumi Palestin.

Hasil jasa baik kita semua ini telah membawa Nestle ke tahap yang tinggi sehingga kini. Sudah tiba masanya untuk kita menjatuhkannya.

Nestle Ketawa Melihat Jahilnya Umat Islam

Sumber rujukan:

Dato Shahrir menikmati darah umat Palestin Milo di hadapan Sullivan. Sumber>>
Semasa kita umat Islam Malaysia masih setia menggunakan produk Nestle menjadi sebahagian darah daging kita, syarikat itu telah bekerjasama dengan syarikat pengeluar makanan dari Israel iaitu Osem Investment pada tahun 2000 untuk membina sebuah fasiliti R&D di Sderot, Israel.

R&D itu digunakan sebagai .pusat pembangunan bagi makanan snek (ya, makanan yang kita semua jamah setiap hari itu) dan jutaan dollar dilaburkan untuk operasi R&D tersebut.

Pusat R&D itu dibina di atas tanah haram di bawah kerajaan haram Israel. Dan jutaan dollar dilaburkan ke atas pusat R&D haram itu tiap-tiap tahun. Tanah yang dirampas dari tangisan dan darah umat Palestin itu senang-senang sahaja digunakan oleh Nestle untuk kemudahan dirinya, malah memberi manfaat pula kepada kerajaan haram Israel.

Sebangsat mana lagi kelakuan Nestle yang diperlukan sebelum kita mahu memboikotnya?

boikot-nescafe-darah-palestin Setiap produk Nestle yang kita jamah itu mengandungi satu lagi kandungan ramuan yang terlindung, iaitu darah umat Palestin!

Pada 1998, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (salah seorang Lembaga Pengarah Nestle, kini sebagai Pengerusi), mewakili syarikat Nestle telah menerima Jubilee Award disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri Israel sendiri iaitu Benjamin Netanyahu.

Anugerah Jubli ini adalah yang tertinggi pernah diberikan oleh kerajaan haram Israel sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada individu atau organisasi yang berjasa kepada kerajaan haram tersebut, samada melalui perdagangan atau pelaburan.

Berjasa di sini bermakna individu atau organisasi itu telah membantu ekonomi Israel, meningkatkan kewangannya untuk membeli lebih banyak senjata api untuk membunuh rakyat Palestin, menghalau mereka dari tanahair sendiri dan membina binaan haram di atas tanah yang dirampas.

Membeli produk Nestle bermakna membantu dan mengiktiraf kerajaan haram Israel. Setiap sen yang dibelanjakan untuk membeli produk mereka akan sampai kepada kerajaan haram Israel. Dan Israel akan menyampaikan setiap sen yang kita berikan dalam bentuk peluru yang dibedil ke atas umat Islam Palestin.

Apa Pendirian Kita?

Ramai di antara kita yang hanya pandai merungut.

  • Macam mana nak boikot kalau dah kedai makan cuma jual Milo je, mana ada produk lain?
  • Macam mana nak boikot kalau dah kedai runcit cuma ada produk Nestle je, mana ada produk lain?

Pernahkah kita bersuara kepada tauke kedai meminta mereka menukar menu minuman dari Milo kepada jenama lain? Pernahkah kita berkata kepada mereka yang kita tidak mahu jenama Milo, Nescafe, Nesquik, Maggi dan sebagainya? Pernahkah kita mendesak mereka menyediakan jenama lain?

Kebanyakannya akan menjawab TIDAK. Bermakna kita TIDAK melakukan apa-apa tindakan tetapi hanya pandai merungut. Kita tidak bertindak, apatah lagi menyuarakannya.

Lebih malang lagi jika kita langsung tidak peduli untuk memboikot. Mungkin juga menjadi lebih bangsat apabila kita memperlekehkan pula usaha memboikot.

Berapa lama lagi perlu kita tunggu sebelum kita mahu mula memboikot produk Nestle?

Jika kita masih mahu menunggu sehingga Palestin hancur, maka ketahuilah bahawa Palestin telah lama hancur!!

DIkirim oleh Admin

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virus aja..


Ada beberapa kawan2 yang selalu datang untuk repair laptop ngan saya.
Selalunye masalah yang timbul bagi saya adalah untuk clean virus dan edit registry.
Kite mulakan dengan masalah virus dulu
Virus die selalunya akan attack komputer pada partition system dalam hard disk kite.. selalunya kat C:. kalau kamu ingin format komputer, seelok2nya sediakan 2 partition.
partition tu apa?
Partition adalah pembahagian hard disk kepada beberapa bahagian. kalau mengikut standard, biasanya windows akan membenarkan pembahagian hard disk sebanyak 4 bahagian.
bagi saya, 2 atau 3 sudah memadai.
Kalau anda tidak membuat partition, mungkin anda akan menghadapi masalah apabila virus attack c: kerana anda tidak akan mempunyai backup.. dan sayang.. burn sume fail anda..

Signature virus sentiasa berubah. kalau ada orang kate belilah antivirus yang tak payah update.. entah lah.. susah saya nak cakap.. orang makin pandai. so antivirus kene lah lebih pandai dari virus 2 kan.. update antivirus adalah perlu.. sangat2 perlu.. ambil sedikit masa untuk itu.. dan, jangan lah kedekut sangat nak keluarkan duit beli antivirus original. xmahal sangatlah kalau setakat 25 ke 30 hengget untuk satu tahun punyer protection kan. cadangan saya adalah kaspersky antivirus. sebab setakat nie dah 2 tahun saya pakai, tak pernah problem.. yang lain macam norton 360, itu mahal skit lah tapi masih bole dipakai.. bit defender.. hmmm.. agak slow skit.. bit defender murah lah.. kalau panda antivirus.. saye tak pernah cube..
ada juga orang pakai nod32 eset antivirus. tapi senang jek kene detect virus. nod32 kelebihan die auto scan pendrive kite bile plug in..

Tapi antivirus hebat macamana pon kene amik langkah keselamatan waktu masuk pendrive.
1. tekan shift, jangan lepas
2. masukkan pendrive.
3. masih jangan lepaskan shift, tunggu pendrive habis install.
4. bile sume dah selesai, pergi kat my computer, klik kanan kat pendrive, pastu scan for virus
5. habis scan baru kamu leh pakai pendrive itu.

Kalau saya ada masa saya akan tambah lagi info lain.
Sekian. Wassalam.

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You're Probably Chinese if....

* You eat rice for breakfast.
* Your friends and everybody else assume you know Kung Fu.
* You remember or still use "the bowl" for haircuts.
* Your folk’s kitchen have a constant lingering aroma.
* You notice the main topic at family get-togethers is food.
* Your parent’s lifelong ambition is to go to Las Vegas.
* You never ever sat down on Popo’s warm chair after she got up.
* You seldom ever owned new clothes if you were a second child.
* Your folks never speak under 10 decibels at family gatherings.
* You never made the school football or basketball team.
* You have two middle initials instead of one.
* You have an inherent "fear" for bamboo feather dusters.
* Your "hot" date is going to your parent’s house to have "jook".
* Your living room sofas have covers on them.
* You laugh at Kan Tong and Chung King commercials.
* You inform the ticket clerk that your 13 year old is 12 to avoid
paying adult fare.
* You sneak in snacks at the movie theater.
* Your grandmother smell like mothballs.
* You’d bring home a Caucasian friend and "popo" would be cooking
something that smelled like it had died a week ago.
* You were told you all look alike.
* You know how to pinch someone with your toes.
* You graduated from UCI or knows of someone who did.
* You would drive around the block 10 times rather than pay for
* You have a hard time pronouncing "aluminum" and "lobster claw".
* You truly believe that your neighbor could use that old sweater
rather than throwing it away.
* You would take that sweater if you were your neighbor.
* You would stand in line for hours and hours for a free gift
whether you needed it or not.
* You have clothes in your closet that is coming back in style.
* You’ve seen every Bruce Lee movie.
* You still have your old slide rule.
* You never order chop suey or egg foo young.
* You have a relative or friend who works as a waiter or cook.
* You prefer your chicken and shrimp served with heads and feet
still attached.
* You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.
* You spit bones and other food scraps on the table (that’s why
you need a vinyl tablecloth).
* Your parents know how to launch nasal projectiles.
* You buy on sale 100 rolls of toilet paper and store them in a
closet or in a vacant room when your adult child moves out.
* You only buy Christmas cards after Christmas when its 50% off.
* Your kitchen has a sticky film of grease over it.
* Your stove is covered with tin foil.
* You have stuff in your freezer since the beginning of time.
* You have never used your dishwasher.
* You use your dishwasher as a dish rack.
* You boil water and put it in the refrigerator.
* You keep a thermos of hot water available at all times.
* You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers.
* You use grocery bags to hold garbage.
* You eat all meals in the kitchen.
* You bring oranges or other produce with you as a gift when you
visit peoples homes.
* You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take
every time you stay in a hotel.
* You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully to save and reuse
wrappings and bows.
* You feel like you’ve won the lottery if you didn’t have to pay
tax for an item.
* You starve yourself all day before going to an all you can eat
* You stop dialing 411 information when they started to charge for
each call.
* You only call long distance after 11 PM.
* You suck on salty preserved seeds for a sore throat.
* You keep a stash of Li Hing Mui at home.
* Your eyes resemble dime slots when you laugh.
* You know what the term "FOB" and "ABC" means.
* You laugh at Martin Yan’s jokes not because he’s funny.
* Your parents have a glass jar of preserved limes aging on top of
the roof.
* You own a wok.
* You know what a "bow" is…and it doesn’t mean to bend over.
* You never eat fried foods when you’re sick (it creates phlegm
and hot air).
* You would prefer your fish entree staring at you on the dinner
* You never discuss your love life with your parents.
* Your parents still use a clothes line.
* You save your old coke bottle glasses even though you’re never
going to use them again.
* You keep most of your money in a savings account.
* You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.
* You’ve joined a CD club at least once.
* You keep used batteries.
* You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewelry or
* You’re always late.
* You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don’t eat the
last piece of food on the table.
* You fight over who pays the dinner bill.
* Your dad thinks he can fix anything.
* You live with your parents and over 30 years old (and they like
it that way). And if you’re married, you live in the apartment
next to your parents, or in the same neighborhood.
* Your parents house is always cold.
* You beat eggs with chopsticks.
* You never use measuring cups.
* You reuse tea bags.
* You tip Chinese delivery guys/waiters more.
* You never call your parents to say hi.
* You always cook too much.
* Your parents always ask you if you’ve eaten, even though it’s
* Your parents send money to their relatives in China.
* Your parents tell you to boil herbs and stay inside when you’re
* You have a drawer full of used pens, most of which don’t write
* You know all the waiters at your favorite Chinese restaurant.
* Your parents never go to the movies.
* You notice at dances, a wall of guys standing together trying to
look cool.
* You iron your own shirts.
* You play a musical instrument.
* You don’t own any real Tupperware, only used margarine tubs,
takeout containers, and jam jars.
* You never leave any leftovers on the table in a restaurant. You
have it put in boxes or finish it.
* Your ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard in the refrigerator are
all "Price Club-size".
* You have an assortment of condiments and utensils from fast food
takeouts stuffed in a drawer.
* You never order for room service.
* You majored in something practical like engineering, medicine,
or law.
* Your parents are never satisfied with your grades.
* You own a rice cooker.
* You buy rice in 50 pound sacks.
* You wash rice 2 to 3 times before you cook it.
* You steam something on top of your rice while its cooking.
* You have acquired a taste for bitter melon.
* You like congee with thousand year old eggs.
* You always carry a stash of food when you travel like preserved
plums, beef jerky, or dried cuttlefish.
* Your parents vehemently refuse the sack of gold coin oranges
that their guests brought to be courteous.
* You know what MJ means.
* You pick your teeth at the dinner table, but you cover your
* You have a piano in the living room.
* You live in an apartment and your parents always want you to
come home.
* You have a rice cooker to check in at the airport when you
* You grow your own bean sprouts in the kitchen.
* Your mother made you peel water chestnuts and snow peas.
* You have an lonely unmarried relative who frequently drops by
during dinner time.
* You received little red envelopes containing money on special
* You use the underside of a porcelain bowl to sharpen your
* You cut your own hair…or had someone in your family do it.
* Your grandmother has a lot of gold teeth…especially in front.
* You keep fresh garlic and ginger in the kitchen at all times.
* You know what the term "lemon" or a "banana" means.
* You only have to shave every other day (maybe).
* You tell your friends that you’re starting a new mustache when
you really had it for several months.
* You wash and reuse ziplock bags.
* You save your children’s halloween candy and give it out the
next year.
* You either love or hate "mooncakes".
* You know at least three people named Alan Wong.
* Your parents constantly complain you use too much toilet paper
when you go to the bathroom.
* You hated that black herb medicine that your parents forced you
to drink when you were sick.
* Your parents have kitchen towels made of old cloth rice bags.
* You never drank milk after eating cherries.
* You’ve swallowed those tiny "BB’s" with hot tea for a tummy
* Your mother has a short-haired, curly perm.
* You’ve asked your parent’s help on one math problem and 2 hours
later they’re still lecturing.
* You shop at 99 Ranch Markets.
* Your parents enjoy comparing you to their friend’s kids.
* You’ve had to sit through karaoke videos with scantily clad,
ugly Asian women attempting to dance and walk around a temple,
forest, or library.
* You’ve had to eat parts of animals that they don’t even put in
* You have piles of shoes and slippers blocking the entrances to
your home.
* You have no eyelashes!
* Your idiot friends try to impress you with pathetic imitation
languages, like the ever so popular "ching chong woo bok
* Your biology lecture on marine life (seaweed, octopii, sea
cucumbers, etc.) was last night’s dinner.
* You have at least one family member who wears black wire or
plastic framed glasses.
* You have several relatives who wear glasses…thick glasses.
* You like $1.75 movies
* You like $1.50 movies even more!
* Your parents never kissed you…your parents never kissed each
* Your friends ask you to translate the scribbles on chopsticks
(like you really know what it means!).
* You call all your parents friends "auntie or uncle".
* You get nothing if you do well in school, but get in big trouble
if you don’t.
* Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees…you know, the
ones with the blue and pink stripes at the top.
* Your parents buy you clothes and shoes many sizes too big so you
can "grow" into them and wear them for years to come.
* Your family always cheer for the Asian athlete competing (eg.
Michael Chang, Michelle Kwan, etc).
* Your parents or relatives have goldfish swimming in an aquarium.
* Your first generation relatives have a statue of an obese,
bald-headed man surrounded by children.
* Your parents collect jade jewelry.
* Your friends from China think anything from the old country is
considered "good stuff".
* You know not to eat the oranges or tangerines arranged in a
little pyramid.
* You always drink tea after a meal.
* Your dad owns at least one bird.
* Your parents grow vegetables in a garden.
* You use doilies to decorate your furniture.
* Your friends automatically assume you’re good at math.
* You are good at math!!! (the hell with humility).
* You know how to pick out the meat in watermelon seeds with your
* Your grandmother rapped your knuckles with her chopsticks while
reaching food with your fingers.
Is it true or not i don know..

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Pergi tak kembali..

setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai mati. yang pergi akan tetap pergi.. yang tinggal dengan kita, amal takwa, doa anak soleh..
Dah nak berbuke nie.. takper la.. kejap ajek.
hujan lebat kat luar skang nie..
emm... tadi waktu beli kuih koci kat kafe nk wat juadah bukak pose, tibe2 hanif, kawan saye seMRSM sir think sape la.. tak sangke die bawak bite yang kawan kami waktu skool dulu meninggal.. dan tak sangke lak die, hafifi.. hafifi seingat saye pernah blaja sama dalam satu kelas.. waktu tue kelas ibnu sina dah dibubarkan sebab orang skit sangat.. so masuk kelas kami, 3 Al-Haizam.

nie ad keratan akhbar pasal pemergian dia..

Seorang pelajar Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) ditemui lemas dalam kolam renang di kampus itu di Gombak pagi ini.

Mayat Mohd Hafifi Hazwan Mohd Adnan, 20, ditemui pada 3 pagi dan dihantar ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk bedah siasat.

Ketua Polis Daerah Gombak ACP Abdul Rahim Abdullah berkata pelajar tahun pertama itu dilaporkan mandi di kolam bersama-sama empat rakannya selepas bermain futsal.

"Dia dipercayai tidak pandai berenang," katanya.

Ibu mangsa Norma Abdulah, 40-an, berkata beliau terkilan kerana tidak sempat untuk berpuasa bersama anaknya pada Ramadan tahun ini dan berhari raya bersama-sama.

"Malam pertama puasa sebelum sahur, arwah ada menelefon makcik dan memberitahu akan pulang pada hari raya nanti malah dia turut berjanji mahu membeli baju raya untuk adik-adiknya," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita selepas solat jenazah di Masjid UIAM di sini.

Norma berkata beliau mendapat panggilan mengenai kematian anaknya itu daripada pihak pengurusan universiti pada 3.30 pagi dan beliau sekeluarga bergegas dari rumah mereka di Jerteh, Terengganu.

Mohd Hafifi Hazwan, pelajar tahun pertama kursus kejuruteraan UIAM, merupakan anak kedua daripada lapan adik beradik.

Jenazah Mohd Hafifi Hazwan akan dikebumikan di kampung halamannya di Kampung Alor Lintah, Jerteh, Terengganu, pada malam ini.

Sahabat karib Allahyarham, Muhamad Izad Yusof, 20, berkata selepas penat belajar pada kira-kira 1.30 pagi ini, mereka membuat keputusan untuk bermain futsal di kompleks sukan universiti itu.

"Habis bermain dalam pukul 2.30 pagi, pengawal keselamatan minta kami pulang kerana waktu sudah lewat. Jadi kami ikut arahan dan pulang ke hostel berkongsi menaiki motosikal tetapi Mohd Hafifi Hazwan telah mendahului rakannya yang lain kerana menunggang bersendirian," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, semasa ke hostel, mereka terdengar jeritan meminta tolong dari arah kolam renang dan terkejut apabila mendapati Mohd Hafifi Hazwan di dalam kolam renang itu.

Muhamad Izad berkata mereka berempat cuba sedaya upaya menolong mangsa namun gagal kerana mangsa tenggelam dan keadaan menjadi semakin sukar kerana kawasan kolam renang itu agak gelap sebelum mendapatkan bantuan pengawal keselamatan.

Beliau berkata sepanjang perkenalannya dengan Allahyarham, Mohd Hafifi Hazwan merupakan seorang rakan yang baik.

"Dia aktif dalam bersukan dan seorang yang ramah. Pemergiannya dalam bulan Ramadan adalah satu kehilangan besar buat kami dan saya akan ingat tragedi ini sampai bila-bila," katanya. BERNAMA
Al Fatihah untuk die.. semoga rohnya diberkati Allah..

MUngkin tak sampai hajat mak die kan.. aku.. lagi2 kat sini yang banyak risiko.. bile-bile kalau Allah nk jemput.. tapi, aku selalu doa aku kuat, lepas study aku dengan result baik. commission sebagai seorang pegawai airforce, masuk unit, dan jadi officer yang ada kualiti. aku nak ibu, abah, along, angah, ayang dan ayoi rase rezeki titik peluh aku..
Ya Allah.. semoga aku kuat...

p/s: jom buke pose^^
: lame gile xposting.. huhu^^

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Hebatnyer herba... bukan nak bohong..

ini saye ad amik artikel dari web
meh bace!

Facts on honey and cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a "Ram Ban" (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases.

Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada , in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists:

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada , various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning, and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.

Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.

Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied three times a day until the tooth stops aching.

Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured. According to information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.

Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.

Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.

According to the studies done in India and Japan , it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural
Ingredient which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and three cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old.

Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body.

Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a day.

Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than! than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the body within a week.

jadi.. consume herb dalam masakan.. sedap, berkat dan berkhasiat..

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Kite makan ****.. Euuu........

Salamx.. saye ad dapat mail dari sorang sahabat pasal mende nie..

Salam semua,

bab cite fasal makan daging **** ni aku pun
nak cite sikit la. kawan aku sendiri yg cite
pengalaman dia ni.tiap2 mlm lepas habis keje
dia selalu lepas kat kawasan gerai makan.

Dia ngan bf dia la suka sangat makan mee kari.
tokey nya cina pekerja nya indon.
dia pun tak kesah le. satu mlm dia blk keje lambat,
nak makan punya fasal pegi la jgk kat kedai tu.
nasib baik le tokey tu reserved utk dia ngan bf nya tu.
sambil makan tokey tu pun mencuci periuk belanga nya.

nak jadi kan cite dia lak nak cari air basuh tangan.
Nampak le tulang yg keluar dr periuk nya dia
pun tanya."Eh pakai tulang ke masak kari,
u kan tak makan daging.
" ooo
ini bukan lembu ini pork maa baru sedap sikit
masak kari, tak taruk tak sedap maa."

uweeek dia pun muntah keluar semua isi perut.
Kata kawan aku rasanya nak minum air tanah jek nak
samak peruk dia. Nak wat mcm mn selama ni dah
bergelen dia makan kari tu dah masuk dlm perut
dia dah jd darah daging. pendek cite nya lepas
tu dia sebar kan hal yg jd kat dia kat semua
org yg dia kenal.lepas tu cina tu bungkus tak
pindah mn gerainya.

Moralnya: Jgn makan kat kedai cina walaupun staff nya
indon atau pun ada logo halal.


Kes macam ni bukan kes baru. Memang betul cakap Cina
tu! daging ayam dan
lembu tak cukup lemak untuk membentuk apa-apa shape.
Jika sebarang proses
tidak menggunakan lemak ****, ia senang pecah.

Berdasarkan pengalaman saya dalam industri memproses makanan,
boleh dikatakan semua product dari
oversea yg bertanda halal sebenarnya tidak halal.

Bagi mereka haram itu pork iaitu daging **** manakala
pork product yg lain seperti lard (minyak ****),
pork fat(lemak ****), ham(ini asal nama hamburger)
dan bacon (hirisan nipis daging **** yg biasa serve during
breakfast), pork instestine(perut ****) dll tidak apa
bagi Muslim.

Saya pernah bekerja di Shangri-laHotelKL, di situ
terdapat satu BUTCHER Dept....
1. Semua jenis sausage menggunakan pork casing. Pork
casing adalah saluran usus yg digunakan sebagai kulit sausage.

Semua ingredients untuk sausage diblend bersama
pork fat untuk membuat sausage itu firm dan tak mudah
break. Jadi kalau sausage itu Chicken or beef still
contain pork.

2. Pork fat juga digunakan dalam proses membuat turkey
roll,chicken roll, meatloft, pastrami dan salami.
Benda ni semua boleh didapati di supermarket dan
digunakan secara meluas
sebagai toping PIZZA.

3. Bagi sesiapa yg suka makan buffet.. cold cuts yg
disusun lawa-lawa pada buffet table seperti
Terrine dan Pate pun ada lemak ****.

Saya ada satu kisah yang menarik untuk diceritakan.

Salah seorang kawan telah menceritakan kepada saya ini,
Bapanya adalah seorang pekerja TNB bahagian
pulih bekalan elektrik.

Pada satu hari bapanya bertugas membetulkan bekalan elektirk di
kawasan Jenjarum Banting.
Semasa pekerja-pekerja lain sedang melakukan kerja-kerja
pembaikan pulih bekalan, beliau telah merayau-rayau di
kawasan sekitar.

Setiap pekerja pembaiki pulih bekalan TNB mempunyai
kebenaran memasuki kawasan yang
melibatkan penggunaan elektrik,
jadi secara tidak sengaja beliau telah memasuki sebuah
kilang memproses makanan,dilihatnya daging-daging
ayam berlongok-longok.
Kemudian daging-daging **** berlongok-longok disebelahan. .
Rupa-rupanya kilang tersebut membuat burger dan daging- daging
ayam dan **** tersebut dicampur dan digaul bersama
kemudian dijadikan burger..

telah bertanya kepada tokeh tersebut mengapa
dicampurkan daging **** dengan daging ayam!
Tokeh tersebut berkata kalau tak campur burger
yang hendak dibuat susah untuk melekat dan dibentuk.
Dengan mencampurkan daging ayam dan **** burger mudah
dibentuk. Katanya lagi, burger ini tidak dijual terus
kepada orang Melayu. Tapi jika mana-mana supplier yang
tak cukup stok akan ambil burger daripada kilang tersebut.

Lu ingat itu supplier cukup ka u ntuk supply satu
Malaysia (Tak tahu supplier mana yang ambil dari dia).
Tokeh tersebut siap kata "SIAPA KATA MELAYU TAK MAKAN ****",
menyirap darah bapanya

Balik tu dia buat aduan di JAIS. Bila JAIS buat
serbuan tak ada apa-apa yang jumpa,kilang tersebut pun takde.
Mungkin dah pindah bila menyedari
ada orang melayu dah tahu aktiviti beliau.

P/S: Siapa yang suka makan burger tu berhati-hatilah
mungkin ada yang bercampur dengan daging ****.

Patut lah bila kes JE timbul rupanya berjuta-juta ****
ada kat Malaysia .
Purata satu hari **** dikeluarkan dari ladang ternakan
beratus ribu.
Yang peliknya takan beratus ribu **** ini dilantak oleh
orang Cina saja.
Mungkin sebahagian darinya dibuat bahan makanan yang
lain, lepas tu bagi orang Melayu makan.
Yang peliknya lagi kebanyakan yang jual burger tu
orang Melayu.

*frwdkan.. kepada rakan dan saudara seagama anda.

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sakit perut

pagi tadi makan bihun dan air susu coklat yang pek 2. perut memulas dari tadi.. gas asyik berderau jek dalam perut..
u ak skang nie da la ad masalah ayak.. nie da dekat 3 hari da.. bau toksah cite la..
tolong la air ad balik.. ak da tak tahan nie..
p/s : pos ini adalah merapu dan merapik k.

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