salam manje n hai skud... [ahahahahah :)]

err.. last nite ad 60 minutes of earth hour.. yet, congrat to all cadets, yg really tutup lampu for the sake of supporting this event, ya, me on behalf of the mother earth like to wish a warm thanks.. (bile pulak bumi bercakap dengan ak nie..

neway, bende nie start dari non profit organization at sydney, pastu berkembang ke seluruh pelusuk dunia, yet on this 2009 diorang wat pada smalam, yakni, 28 mac 2009 from 2030-2130..

i wonder sape la punyer burfday kan wak2 2..

ok let see some video yang diorang wat.. n. for the next year, i hope dis event will gain support from all over the world.. em!

later ma fren.. enjoy ur show..

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